Monday, May 19, 2008

Work around the house!

Today we did a good amount of work around the house. Josh is close to finishing a fenced of area for the cows and goats. Savannah was helping daddy put up the fince. She was supervising. LOL He has been doing such a great job. He also was able to do a few other odds and ends that were needing to be done. I did some mowing and still need to do some more but it looks good. I started to not feel good because I didn't really take a break and got too hot. But I ended up resting and felt better before I had to go to town.

On Monday's I go to WW(Weight Watchers) meeting's and weigh in and I found out I have lost another 2 lbs. Yippy I have lost a total of 36 lbs now and I am so excited. I Praise God for helping me through this all.

Savannah is talking so much now. Not so much words all the time she just loves to chat. It is so cute to she her be just so serious at time when she has something to say. She really really likes to play in the mud and collect rocks. She also enjoys feeding the animals. When I go to feed the chickens and collect the eggs she helps me to carry one egg and take it in the house to get cleaned. She will be like "egg" and she will end up handing it to me and saying it. She even likes to eat the eggs. There are days she likes to have ketchup on them and other days she can go with out. She also likes to help me out in the garden. Savannah enjoys to water the plants as well.

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