Sunday, April 18, 2010

A little of what's going on.

This weekend has been a really good. We were able to get just about all our plants planted. I'll say we planted about 120 plants. There were about 72 Roma tomato plants. I really like that kind for making salsa and sauces. We had less than 50 last year and I just was not able to can enough to put away for the winter. That's why I have so many tomato plants. We really like having chili, pasta, and salsa with our tomatoes. I am trying some new peppers this year, they are Anaheim. I also have a few bell peppers. Were I bought my plants they only had a few left. I do hope to get some more bell peppers when they get them in. We still need to plant some more seeds like squash, melons, green bean, and corn. Our potatoes are getting big already. I didn't get a chance to put in lettuce or spinach yet but it may be too late, I need to look it up. Josh bought me some black berry and blue berry bushes this year and we are needing to get them in here soon.

Our baby rabbits are getting so big. The older set by mommy doe have there eyes open and are hopping around. They are so cute! They should be starting to eat some grass and hay soon. We should be having some more baby rabbits with in a week or so. I am so excited!

Joseph is turning one next month and it is so hard to believe. We are thing about having a BBQ for his birthday. Savannah has been doing really well she enjoy singing a lot. She learn Our God is an awesome God in sign language. She looks so cute doing it and she loves to perform too!

Josh has been hard at work like always. It seems like he always has a few projects to work on so he is never is board. He is getting close to having our farm truck ready for hay season.

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